Friday 13 November 2015

Are You Happy Now? 10 Ways to Live a Happy Life by Barbara Berger

Are You Happy Now? 10 Ways to Live a Happy Life by Barbara BergerThis is a book to read more than once. I could go on and on about the value and wisdom of this book. But I'll start here, with a profound statement I heard years back: Sometimes the questions matter more to us than the answers. Though author, Barbara Berger, presents us with beneficial answers and information to consider and integrate, she also presents us with valuable questions (and all-important solutions), such as: Is the past controlling your present? Are you a people-pleaser with an aversion to conflict? Do the opinions of others influence or manipulate you? Do you have healthy boundaries? Do you fear your emotions? Do you know what the collective lie is that affects nearly all of us? What is the difference between consciousness and mind? Who are you beyond your thoughts that arise? What kind of life might you have if you stopped allowing other people to mind your business and if you stopped minding theirs? How many ways do you make or keep yourself unhappy, without realizing you're doing this? How can you communicate honestly and clearly with others if you aren't honest and clear with yourself? How can you have a fulfilling life if you're afraid of making mistakes or fear others believing your choices are mistakes? How can you become mindful, especially when emotionally upset or afraid? These (and others she covers in the book) are questions many of us contend with but may not address, as this book does and does so well.
The ten chapter titles give a preview of what's to come in the book, whether they build enthusiasm and eagerness to delve into them or, perhaps, make you quake a bit. It all depends on how ready you are to live a more authentic and fulfilling life. The titles are as follows: Accept what is; Want what you have; Be honest with yourself; Investigate your stories; Mind your own business; Follow your passion and accept the consequences; Do the right thing and accept the consequences; Deal with what is in front of you and forget the rest; Know what is what; and Learn to see beyond impermanence. There are worksheets at the back that help you address each chapter concept, as well as an Epilogue titled "Don't Believe What You Think." You're either ready to see what the author has to offer about each of these or you're telling yourself there's laundry to fold or grass to cut (i.e., avoidance).
This is a book written by someone who who's been through a lot, was facing a lot, including moving forward in years-and asked herself an important question: "... what do you need to remember to live a happy life? If you would sum it all up, what would it be? What do you need to know to get you through the rest of your life in a better way?" This is a question (what do you need to remember to live a happy life?) many of us contemplate, but likely do so in passing rather than addressing it head-on as the author did. Berger states in the Introduction that she recognized how much of her life she'd "spent worrying about stuff or being nervous and insecure about stuff or not really enjoying the fullness and richness of" her life. This is more of a common complaint than, I believe, most of us would like to admit, and one we truly desire to resolve. (I love the mountain example in Chapter 8, and find it highly beneficial!)
In her candid, straightforward manner, Berger discusses how we resist what-is, whatever the what-is is in a moment (weather, an event, pain, health, relationships, finances, etc.), and how we tend to fight the reality of what-is nearly all the time, as well as how this resistance affects not only us but how we experience life. However, she makes a keen point that accepting what-is is not saying "yes" to everything and doing nothing; that it is not about passivity, but the opposite. There were certainly additional brilliant points made beside these two I'm about to share, but I love these: We more often than not don't live our lives, but live our interpretations of our lives; we're dancing with illusions. And, we let other people manipulate us with their uninvestigated codes of behavior.
Berger proposes that all of us can lead happy lives regardless of our situation, and then demonstrates how to accomplish this throughout the book. She asks how well we know ourselves, or if we're afraid to do this, asks why; discusses our responsibility to ourselves and our right to exist; and how we can deal with the fear of criticism and choice with integrity. She shares that we can remember the wonder of our own existence; discusses common worries and stories we tell ourselves and how to transform them; and shares what she discovered real happiness and success is, and how clear and simple it actually is.
Berger reminds us that life is always a process that we're in; that it's about awakening our awareness so that we make appropriate choices for ourselves, and not focus on perfection, which is unrealistic. I give this book an all-thumbs-up; and as I said earlier, it's one to read more than once.
I'm a self-published author of a number of books and e-books, and have provided services for writers for nearly two decades (, while living in New York City and now in my new location in Louisiana. I publish a Blog called New Writer Blues & Clues at

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How To Mend A Broken Marriage

Relationships, including marriage needs nurturing to keep them going smooth. Broken marriages can be painful and can sometimes even lead to hate and remorse. But it is very possible to mend a broken marriage regardless of the reasons that led to the breaking. There are simple steps that can be followed to repair a marriage that of broken or keep the one that is about to break together. Here are some of the steps that can be followed to make amends:
Commit fully to mending: This should be the first step to both parties. An honest conversation can greatly help in achieving this simply because every party gets the chance to say what they expect from the marriage. Both parties must have the need to mend the marriage for it to work in the end.
End the blame game: This is one common mistake that can make it hard to mend a broken marriage. It is important to remember that at this point it is no longer about who wins or who was right and who was wrong. Mending means moving away from the blame games and focusing more on how to make improvements to make it work.
Prioritize individual needs: Communication breakdown usually leads to broken marriages. It makes it therefore very important for every party to clearly put on the table their needs within the union. When this is done, it becomes very easy to figure out where the problems came in and how to avoid such in the future. Listening to each other's needs will make it easier to handle them better.
Be nice and considerate: This should be in the little things that you do for each other such as addressing each other or even complimenting each other on every good deed. You also need to remember the beauty that is in a genuine look, a kiss and a touch; they can all make a situation positively different. Consideration is important especially when dealing with things that do not make you happy as far as the other party is concerned.
Put the problems aside for a while: You can actually decide to take a holiday where you give love priority. During this time take the time to talk about how you feel about each other and just connect. Avoid talking about money issues, job frustrations and all those things that can bring you down. Bonding should be the essence of the holiday.
The internet offers lots of solutions to broken marriages through online books. The free books are accessible to all individuals and some can even be downloaded for future reference. The books provide helpful information that can at the end mend broken marriages. Considering that this is a topic many are not always comfortable to talk about openly, the free online books come in handy in offering private solutions. Some of the books offer step by step guidelines which are easy to follow and achieve. With determination, you are in a position to make your marriage turn to the right direction.
Click Here to know more about Book Search Technology.

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The Wisdom of Sound and Number: Phonetic Chaldean Numerology - Reclaiming an Ancient Oracle

The Wisdom of Sound and Number: Phonetic Chaldean Numerology - Reclaiming an Ancient OracleThis is by no means your typical, light book about numerology, an ancient system that addresses the questions: Who am I, Why am I here, What is my mission in life. The author, Leeya Brooke Thompson, was assisted in her research by Dr. Loren Fisher, a scholar and former professor of ancient Semitic languages, to rigorously compare the sounds of the letters to numbers in ancient alphabets to match phonetic sounds in the modern English language. Their belief was that "... the Ancients had information about vibration which we are in the process of rediscovering." The author stated, "I believed the Ancients knew something that we haven't yet discovered-or we know it in our scientific studies, but not in the application of those studies of vibration to human consciousness and character which is concerned about the spiritual aspects of men and women." The author has a point: the contemporary English alphabet wasn't in use when the original system of numerology (gematria) was created and in use, so how could the simplistic Western form commonly used today be completely accurate?
The author, who has been involved with numerology for around half a century, starts by explaining that she did numerology readings for a specific client over a twenty-five-year period, the first time using the Western (Pythagorean) system then the Chaldean system, and finally using her "new" phonetic system described in this book. She says this about her client's experience with the phonetic system: "This time she began to weep, then sob, for the number patterns absolutely described the core of pain she had been feeling all of her adult life." That's a powerful experience and result, to say the least.
There is a brief introduction giving concise information about Pythagoras and his involvement with numerology, as well as more about the effect of vibration as it relates to Cymatics (vibration creating form in matter) and Emoto's work on how sound influences water crystals (e.g., negative words create ugly crystal formations, while positive or loving words create beautiful crystal formations). "The name is our 'tool box' at birth, indicating the strengths, aptitudes and predisposition we brought with us into this lifetime. The birth date, on the other hand, indicates what we have come to master and to accomplish. The interaction of these two forces-who we are and who we are being challenged to become-result in what our life looks like and whether we are working harmoniously with our life or rejecting the opportunities that come our way... Numerology is a map of consciousness."
The first part is a brief and interesting explanation about the history of numerology and its use and possible influence in our daily lives and decisions, whether for individual use or for those who wish to do charts for others. What follows this is an understanding of the number patterns (including master and karmic numbers), how to set up your chart, the positions in your name, the positions in your birth date, the shadow and projection, your destiny and journey through time, how to integrate your chart, companions and mates, deciding to change your name or any changes to your name as a result of life experiences (misspelled names on birth certificates or immigration forms or marriage), plus additional information about the phonetics and roots of numerology. Thompson's remarks about the Universal years are impressive in their revelations and scope.
If you've previously used the Western system of assigning numbers one through nine to the English alphabet or are unfamiliar with phonetics, you may find this system a challenge to get used to. Fortunately, the author provides a sample chart, with additional information in the appendices, and demonstrates how to do each section through the use of an example name and birth date then offers descriptions of what the numbers mean so you can identify your patterns. Because of the type of book it is, there are segments you'll read and some you may not feel you need to read, but you'll get more out of it if you read the entire book before you create your chart, so you familiarize yourself with the phonetic numerology process, including what to do about letters that are silent.
Know that this is not the usual light or more esoteric approach of other numerology books you may have read. This one includes some history, but it geared toward practical application for a person's life experience and guidance. I have to be candid and say that the author initially asked me to contribute some of the content about the numbers, which I did, but the research that led to this revised system and the content are 98% hers. I didn't see what she'd done with the material until the book was published-but this does not alter the fact that she did a stunning job with the topic and what supports it. Not having read it since it was published in 2006 has led me to revisit what Leeya truly accomplished through her commitment to accuracy for individuals.
I'm a self-published author of a number of books and e-books, and have provided services for writers for nearly two decades, while living in New York City and in my new location in Louisiana, and now offer Book Reviews, as well as The Chapter-by-Chapter Get-Your-Book-Written Writer's Incentive Program ( I publish a Blog called New Writer Blues & Clues at

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Bibles Are Polluted Documents With Very Little Original Content

Bibles Are Polluted Documents With Very Little Original ContentModern bibles carry a lot of input from authors who may or may not know what they are talking about. The bible I have used now for some sixty years is a King James Oxford publication that is now falling apart. In a desperate bid to replace it I have spent many months looking through the ones now available and have been bitterly disappointed. Not only are they now called 'study bibles' with a huge slant on the New Testament but they have references which lead people away from the truth.
With memory of my reincarnation and a strong link to the Spirit many visions and commissions have been given to me. One of them is to take God off the cross. My knowledge of the Spirit shows that it is not a man, has never fathered a son, and it speaks directly to its people.
Another commission is to tear down the wall of churches and to bring back the young. The wall is an impenetrable barrier protected by two massive weapons called heaven and hell. The first drags people into religions and the second is the lock on the door. Devotees are told not to venture into other religions or to engage in learning and research because they may trip over the truth.
The threat over them is that of hell. If they obey their religious leaders and do their bidding they are virtually guaranteed a place in heaven. If they fail they will go to hell.
Heaven has long been worked over from the sky and the celestial bodies that produced the idea of the first gods into some kind of eternal paradise where all will live in bliss forevermore. The Old Testament forbids worship of false gods and in Isaiah 45:8 thee heavens are commanded to fall down so that righteousness may be seen. Isaiah 34:4 goes further and promises that the host of heaven shall be dissolved and fall down.
That is what religions do not want their people to read or acknowledge. In an attempt to confuse the readers and steer them towards the New Testament and the promises made therein authors have added their own assertions and have emphasised the supposed words of Jesus Christ as the only authority.
My research conducted under instructions by the Spirit exposes evidence that the Roman Catholic Church, established by the Islamist Constantine, produced the New Testament through Jerome at the end of the 4th CAD. The emperor is highlighted in Revelation 13:13-18 as the one whose number is 666.
Life can only be in a living body. Dead nerves cannot feel so the deceased cannot suffer pain or pleasure. That is why everyone has now reincarnated into new bodies and they are being judged, as promised in the Old Testament, for the things they have done during the course of the Day of the Lord.
The Catholic Church condemned those who discovered things that oppose their view, such as genetics, evolution, and even the position of the stars. Many suffered torture and death for their discoveries. Books have been banned by religious groups and even now the Islamist terrorists hate education and will do what they can to stop people learning.
When it comes to the bible it is a polluted document with much added and subtracted that did not suit the organisations behind it. The comments, coloured verses, introduced comments and so deprive one of enjoying the original meaning while the New Testament is now produced on its own so dedicated followers of Christ are spared the burden of trying to understand the prophecies in the Old Testament.
My true reincarnation story is a free download from this site. It explains my knowledge and the commissions given to me that include removing the pollution created by the New Testament

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The Many Reasons Why Online Books Are Popular Nowadays

Expert Author Timur KaripovPaper books were the common format in the past because it was the only available format. Nowadays, the internet has become the source for everything and that includes books. In this digital age, online books have become a great source of information. There are volumes on virtually every and any topic that you can think of. There are many reasons why texts in the electronic version are a popular pick these days. We've mentioned a few of them below.
Read Anywhere
Online books can be downloaded from the internet to any portable device such as your eBook reader, tablet, mobile phone or laptop. This means that you can carry a novel or a periodical anywhere you go. A single device can store thousands of books and the best thing if you are a voracious reader is that you do not have to lug a heavy burden of paperbacks. All your books are stored on a single portable device that you can just put in your pocket. Whenever you are free or wherever you are, you can simply switch on your tablet or phone and start reading. You can read one while waiting for an appointment or while stuck in traffic.
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Online books are a lot cheaper than their paperback or hardbound versions. To add, there are also lots of free texts available online. You can search the internet for websites that offer free books online. The free versions cover a range of topics such as business, economics, science as well as novels from various popular authors. People opt to buy online nowadays rather than buying paperbacks or hardbound books. This is why more and more authors are also opting to convert their works into an Electronic format compatible with most devices.
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Flexibility is one of the main reasons why a lot of people prefer online books. Imagine the convenience of being able to store thousands of texts on a single portable device. You can store as many books as you want on your mobile phone depending on the memory capacity. This is very convenient when you are travelling. Generally, when travelling, people bring one novel or work of non-fiction for their entire trip because it is very heavy to bring along more. If you download books online to your mobile phone, you can have access to and read a larger number, enough to last you for an entire vacation. You can relax and catch up on your reading while on vacation. You can also read your books anytime or anywhere you want. You can read them in the car, taxi or airplane. If you have a few minutes break in your tight schedule then you can bring out your mobile phone and read. This allows you to relax your tired mind even for just a few minutes.
You will never run out of interesting topics to download from the internet. The popularity of books online will continue to rise in the coming years because of its flexibility and affordability.
Timur Karipov is an expert when it comes to books online. You can find many online books on his website

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Book Review: How I Write - Secrets of a Bestselling Author

Book Review: How I Write - Secrets of a Bestselling AuthorJanet Evanovick has not only written several books but has made a career out of writing. She and Ina Yalof have taken the questions that have most often been asked by her readers and compiled them into this manual that offers its readers an up-close view of how she has done this.
Eight chapters are used to divide the book into topics. The first focuses on creating characters for books and includes giving them names and doing research so they are credible.
The chapter called "Nuts and Bolts" teaches how to put these characters into context by developing plots with language, settings and other factors that match the way that the characters think and behave.
Structure involves setting up the story so that it makes sense but also intrigues the reader as well as working on series.
Revising and Editing can be tedious so the authors recommend that checklists and involving others help with the task.
Getting published requires skills and persistence. Janet goes into details about this part of the process and warns about the consequences of not doing it properly.
Bits and Pieces offers encouragement and advice for those who truly want to be successful as a published writer.
The reference section of the book suggests resources and organizations as well as sample letters and techniques that can be used to reach a writer's goals.
Besides covering the questions that the author has answered, there are extra nuggets of wisdom from her daughter, Alex, who works full-time with her mother and the co-author as well.
Perhaps you are not interested in learning how to write but are just interested in learning more about the author of some of your favourite books. If that is the case, you can read the book and feel even closer to Janet Evanovich because she offers clarity into how she functions in her career on a daily basis.
Because I have authored books and am interested not only in the process but also in the Stephanie Plum series, I found this book to be interesting and helpful.
After reading this book, you will likely be able to strengthen your writing, learn new ways to capture the attention of publishers and be sparked to think in a different way about what and how you write.
Interesting that Janet has such a wide range of talents. She not only has created romantic novels and a large mystery series but now has shared with us how she has actually done that in the form of a technical manual. The uniqueness involves the fact that she has added humour and transparency that might not be expected in a how-to book. She also holds one's attention with graphics, different fonts, shading and charts.
The book ends with autobiographies of the three women who have contributed to the book.
Even the sub-title to "How I Write" captures the reader's imagination as it is "Secrets of a Bestselling Author" - the goal of so many who just don't know how to get there.
And now I would like to invite you to claim your Free Instant Access to a complimentary list of 10 Steps to Making Your Life an Adventure when you visit
From Dr. Linda Hancock, Registered Psychologist and Registered Social Worker

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